
HOPE Volume 2 : "Masks"

Created by Dirk Manning

Hope returns in the second volume of this fan-favorite and critically-acclaimed graphic novel series... and here come the villains!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Closer and closer...
5 months ago – Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 09:17:15 PM

Or: Tom Petty was right.

Hello everyone!

We're in that point in the campaign when the book is at the printer, the book plates and shirts and all the other extras have been ordered... and we're all waiting together.

And while Tom Petty was right around the waiting being the hardest part, that's not to say that our HOPE Volume 2 team has been standing still.

I just had the pleasure of being a guest at the always-amazing Astronomiconin Livonia, Michigan this past weekend (you can see a bunch of photos over on my Instagram page HEREand -- if you're not faint of heart -- my metal karaoke performance HERE), and the weekend after this one both myself and HOPE Volume 2: "Masks" artist Sally Scott will be in Artist Alley at C2E2 in Chicago at tables H8 ("Hate!") and H7 ("Heaven!") respectively.

I'm sure it's not too hard to figure out which one of us is at which table, respectively... ha-ha.

If you can't make it out to C2E2 (which, as far as I'm concerned, is legit among the very best of the "giant" comic cons in the country), you can see my full schedule of convention and signing appearances as it stands at the moment at under the "Signings and Appearances" tab.

Despite "convention season" now being in full swing for the spring, we're still on track to get the HOPE Volume 2 packages on schedule (as we can't wait for you to get to read it), and I'll be in touch soon with another update as the bookplates and such arrive!

Thanks, all! I genuinely and sincerely appreciate you and we will be talking again soon as the time for waiting gets shorter and shorter...

Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning

HOPE BackerKit closes next week... and have you seen our werewolves?
6 months ago – Wed, Mar 06, 2024 at 08:26:09 PM

Hello friends!

As mentioned in the last update, HOPE Volume 2: "Masks" is currently at the printer as I type this, and the expectation is that the books will be here and ready to be delivered within about 60 days! I'll be keeping you all posted, of course... so keep an eye on these updates!

In the meantime...

Have you completed your BackerKit?

We'll be locking the BackerKit for HOPE Volume 2 next week, so if you haven't secured your order and mailing address through there yet, please take a moment to do so now by going HERE. Remember, our shipping partner at Whalebacker will be using BackerKit to fulfill the orders once the book arrives... so please get that filled out right away if you haven't yet!

And do you, by chance, like werewolves? Or westerns? Or both?

With HOPE Volume 2: "Masks" now well into production, we recently launched the Kickstarter for our next project, a Native American/Western werewolf graphic novel titled HOMESTEAD which you can check out on and explore on Kickstarter at Here's a peek at the cover:

"How far will you go to protect your family? Are you willing to embrace the spirit of the wolf?"

Like HOPE, HOMESTEAD is a very emotionally investing story about how far someone will go to protect their family... exploring this theme (among others) through a much more directly horror lens.

We're offering a lot of cool Pledge Levels on this campaign (including T-shirts, mini werewolf busts, and even full werewolf statues) and as of this writing we've unlocked SIX Stretch Goals and counting!

An interior page from HOMESTEAD by series artist and co-creator Les Garner and colorist Colin Johnson. Yes, the whole book is this gorgeous!

We'd all be extremely appreciative if you'd give the campaign a look and consider joining us for this one too. As was the case with HOPE Volume 2, we're even offering FREE U.S. SHIPPING too!

Thanks, friends -- for everything!

I'll be in touch again soon! In the meantime, make sure your HOPE Volume 2  BackerKit is completed... and then consider joining-us for HOMESTEAD!

Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning

HOPE is going to the printer... have you completed your BackerKit?
7 months ago – Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 06:30:12 PM


Hey friends!

I'm excited to announce that -- as of this morning -- the final-final-final PDF was approved for HOPE Volume 2: "Masks" and the book has officially been sent to Source Point Press, and from there it will be going off to the printer! Huzzah!

To celebrate, here's a look at the full wraparound cover that those of you who pledged for the Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover will be getting:

Art by Sally Scott and Design by Dave Lentz (Spine Dress/Credits not included)


This is important, friends: Whalebacker will be using BackerKit to ship the books and fulfill the campaign once the books arrive from the printer, so in order to make sure you get your stuff, complete your HOPE Volume 2 BackerKit at

Also, keep in mind that this is where you can add some of my other books to your order all with FREE SHIPPING as well! Huzzah! Treat yo'self!

And speaking of other books...

So... uh... do you like werewolves and/or westerns?

Now that the fulfillment for ARN ANDERSON: MY LIFE AS THE ENFORCER is completed and HOPE Volume 2: "Masks" is at the publisher and heading to the printer, I'm pleased to announce that my next Kickstarter project has been announced and will be launching later this month:

HOMESTEAD is a Native American/Western werewolf graphic novel written by me with illustrator/co-creator Les Garner, Lakota Creative Consultant Rau Blackhawk, colorist Colin Johnson, letterer Dave Lentz, and editor Drena Jo. If the idea of a 100-page done-in-one graphic novel with this concept by this team doesn't excite you, well, I'm not sure what will, so I hope you'll take a moment to go to and click "Notify Me On Launch" so you'll get a one-time notification the moment we go live. After all, this is how to best increase your chances of getting one of the pledge levels that includes the full-body HOMESTEAD werewolf statues as part of your package!

Yeah... you read that right!

HOMESTEAD will be launching on Kickstarter later this month. Get ready to howl at the moon, friends... and rest assured, I'll be in touch with you all here again soon!

Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning

BackerKits have been sent!
8 months ago – Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 11:13:22 AM

Hey all!

Earlier today you should have all gotten a link to the HOPE Volume 2: “Masks” BackerKit, which is where you need to go to verify your address and finalize your order.

If you didn't see (or get) the email, you can access your BackerKit HERE:

As mentioned a moment ago, through BackerKit you'll also be able to  provide us with  your shipping address and specify any other details...  including adding on any bonus items you may want.

You can also share the BackerKit link if you know anyone who perhaps missed the initial campaign but may want to get a copy of the book and the other items available.

(Fear not, the hardcover edition and the Kickstarter Exclusive Stretch Goals are NOT being made available to anyone who didn't preorder it through the Kickstarter Campaign. As always, only YOU get those numerous perks for preordering through the campaign!)

What You Need to Know About BackerKit (Especially if You've Never Used it Before)

Your BackerKit will be pre-populated with the rewards you pledged for during the campaign. After you answer the questions related to your pledge level (if applicable), BackerKit will take you to the Add-Ons page. The Add-Ons page is set up just like a web store where you'll be able to include any  Add-Ons you may have wanted by adding extra money  to your pledge during  the campaign. Basically, it's just like you're  shopping online – and just as easy!

Otherwise, just confirm your pledge and shipping address and you'll be good to go!

If you have any questions, please send a message through the BackerKit page -- or send me a Direct Message through this platform -- and I'll be in touch soon!)Here's the BackerKit link one more time: 

HOPEv2 Production Update

In regards to the book production, the cameos have all been drawn in, and as of earlier today I sent the final pagination guide for the whole book to our designed Dave Lentz to finish putting it all together!

Once that’s done we’ll be sending the book to the printers, friends… so expect more updates on this soon too!

In the meantime, fill out your BackerKit… and feel free to share the link with anyone you know who may have missed the campaign but still want to get the book or anything else we’re offering through it!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

BackerKits are forthcoming!
8 months ago – Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 07:39:10 PM

Hey all!

This week you will all be getting a link to BackerKit, which is where you need to go to verify your address and finalize your order.

(A few of you may have just gotten it this evening as part of the "Smoke Test"... and then they'll go out "en mass" by the end of the week.)

Through BackerKit you'll also be able to  provide your shipping address and specify any other details...  including adding on any bonus items or extra books from my available selection you may want!

Again, if you didn't get it tonight, don't fret -- they'll all be going out in the next few days -- and I'll be sending you all a full update then!

I'll be in touch soon! Thanks so much!

Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning