
HOPE Volume 2 : "Masks"

Created by Dirk Manning

Hope returns in the second volume of this fan-favorite and critically-acclaimed graphic novel series... and here come the villains!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

HOPEv2 HC Cover Sneak Peek and BackerKit Update!
8 months ago – Sun, Jan 07, 2024 at 02:48:51 PM

Hello friends!

I hope the beginning of the year is treating you all well!

I just wanted to let you know I'm currently in the final stages of prepping the BackerKIt for HOPE Volume 2: "Masks"... and my hope is that it will be ready to launch this week!

In the meantime, the semi-final draft of the bonus prose story was finished today, and aside from the "Hey Look That's Me!" cameo backers being added to the book, once the prose story is edited we'll be ready to get the book to the printer!

If you were a "HEY LOOK! THAT'S ME!" cameo backer, please see the last update about getting me your headshot! HURRY! THE CLOCK IS TICKING!

That aside, here's a quick peek at the front of the wrap-around cover to the KS Exclusive Hardcover Edition of HOPE Volume 2: "Masks" by artist Sally Scott!

You'll see what Hope is guarding Anna from on the back cover... but I don't want to spoil anything for you all yet. Heh.

That's all for now, friends! I'll be in touch very soon about the BackerKit... and we'll then get this ready for print... and a quick turn around to delivery, as we all can't wait for you to read it!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

Hey cameo backer... have you sent me your photo?
8 months ago – Sat, Jan 06, 2024 at 10:58:35 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Hey... THANK YOU. (And here's what's next.)
9 months ago – Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 08:39:14 AM


301 backers.
Eight Stretch Goals Unlocked.

Friends, now that the campaign has ended, I wanted to take a moment on behalf of myself and the HOPE Volume 2: "Masks" team of illustrator Sally Scott, letterer Dave Lentz, editor Drena Jo, and publisher Source Point Press, I wanted to say THANK YOU.

We took several "big swings" with this campaign, not the least of which was choosing to release only TWO interior pages from the book as to not spoil anything for anyone who wanted to go into this story as spoiler-free as possible -- and the support and enthusiasm you showed this campaign proved that choices like this were worth making... so again, THANK YOU for that.


Over the next week or so I'll be working with the team to finalize the files for print (the whole story is already fully written and illustrated with the exception of inserting the cameo backers), and I'll also be working with Source Point Press to prep the BackerKit which will allow you all to finalize your orders, add-ons, shipping addresses, etc.

Given that a few major holidays are quickly approaching, we may wait to launch the BackerKit right after the first of the year (how is that only two weeks away?!?), but my goal is still to provide a fast-as-possible turn around and delivery of this book to you all... so stay tuned, friends. I believe we've not got systems in place to ensure a pretty seamless method of production and delivery of books -- including these prestige hardcover editions -- and remain both hopeful and determined to get you this book -- and future books we produce in this fashion -- moving forward into 2024 and beyond.

For now, though, again... THANK YOU! I appreciate you all so much, and if we don't talk before the holidays, I hope yours are all wonderful. I'll be prepping everything in the background and be in touch again soon!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

Stretch Goal #8 Unlocked! Campaign Ends Today!
9 months ago – Fri, Dec 08, 2023 at 08:18:03 AM


Hey friends!

As of this morning -- with about six hours left in the campaign as I type this -- we've just unlocked the EIGHTH Stretch Goal -- and it's a biggie: Every pledge that includes the KS Exclusive Hardcover Edition of the book now includes a free digital comic about the making of HOPE Volume 2!

Here's all the Stretch Goals we've unlocked so far:

That... is A LOT of free bonus swag, friends, and we still have one more Stretch Goal we could still potentially unlock before the campaign ends today at about 5:00 PM EST!

If you know anyone else who will want the Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover Edition of the book with all the bonus swag, direct them to to get their copy! As always, the more people who join us the more we all get!

Again... THANK YOU, friends. I'm so very excited for all of you to get this book, and I most sincerely can't wait for all of you to get it and read it. There's A LOT going on in this one... and that's all I'm going to say about that, as I don't want to spoil anything when we're this close to the end of the campaign!

Just get ready to "catch many feels," as the kids say... and let everyone know that today is the last day to get this limited edition version of the book! 

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning

One week left... and Digital HOPEv1 now an Add-On!
10 months ago – Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 07:51:09 PM

A new digital add-on!

Several of you asked, and I listened! You can now also get a digital copy of HOPE Volume 1: "Mother" [Special Edition] as an Add-On to your pledge! I believe this is the first time this book has ever been offered digitally, so if you've been waiting to add it to your digital library, you can now adjust your pledge accordingly by adding $15 to your pledge and including it now -- or during the BackerKit after the campaign ends!

One week left...

That aside, I also want to say THANK YOU to you all for the absolutely amazing support you've been showing this campaign! Thanks to all of you, every pledge level that includes the KS Exclusive Hardcover Edition of the book now includes:

  • HOPEv2 Sticker
  • HOPEv2 Book Mark
  • HOPEv2 KS Exclusive Bookplate
  • Signatures by Dirk Manning and Sally Scott
  • Sketch Remark by Sally Scott
  • KS Exclusive Wraparound Cover on all the KS Exclusive Hardcovers


Remember, all these Stretch Goals are included with *ANY* pledge level that includes the KS Exclusive Hardcover Edition of the book!

We can still unlock even more Stretch Goal upgrades in this final week, too,  as more people join the campaign, so keep sharing the link and you all might get even more free upgrades and bonus items with your pledges!

Thanks again, everyone. I appreciate you all so much, as this book is a very important one to me, and I'm genuinely honored to be able to bring it to life with all of you!

Your friend in comics,

Dirk Manning